Olen elanud loovuses nii kaua kui end mäletan.Tegutsenud vabakutselise maalikunstnikuna ning hiljem liikunud edasi moe ja stilistika maailma. Inspiratsiooni koos tehniliste oskustega on andnud EKA ning Stockholm International Make-Up Center, kus omandasin -moe,-ilu ning karaktermeigikunstniku diplomi.

Kuna inimene ise on juba looming on minu töö seda täiustada ning esile tuua sellele varju heitmata.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lets Go Barefoot into The Woods!

What will happen when big girls just like that forget about their gorgeous outlook and escape barefoot into the woods, playing around like children?

See yourself...

Seaside Stories!

Seaside is the place that gives us so many different feelings. Most special is to be there in the evening. This is the time of blessing...